Let’s make a difference, one bag at a time…
The Ambrose PTO Green Team, in partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation New England is running a Clothing Drive just in time for the change of seasons! We are hoping to use this as a teaching moment for our children, so they will be excited to go home and collect their too small or no longer worn clothing.
Your donations will have many positive benefits. Not only will they help keep used clothing out of our landfills, but it also helps the Epilepsy Foundation continue to fund research and other programs to benefit those living with epilepsy in our community. As an added benefit, with this partnership, the Ambrose PTO will earn money for every pound we collect. So gather up your gently used clothing, coats, linens, and shoes and purge your closets today!
Monday, Oct. 3rd - Friday Oct. 14th
Drop off right at Ambrose!
Goal: 250 Bags!
Thank You for your donations, we exceeded our goal and collected 276 bags and kept 1,749 pounds of clothing, linens, and shoes out of our landfills! Way to go Ambrose Huskies!
From an environmental perspective, it is also great as it will keep clothing from getting thrown away. Did you know that Winchester burns its garbage, which is expensive, energy intensive, and releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating climate change.
Here are some facts about the clothing industry:
1800 gallons of water are required to produce just 1 pair of jeans
Around 85% of all textiles are thrown away in the U.S. and end up in a landfill or burned
The average American throws away approximately 70 pounds of clothing per year
Approximately 21 billion pounds of textiles are thrown away each year in the US, and this number is growing each year!
Ambrose has a goal of 250 large bags full of clothing and shoes. Thank you all so much for your support!